Keynote: The Journey to KNOW BETTER. BUILD BETTER.
Matt Risinger, founder and host of The Build Show, kicks off the first Build Show LIVE! Matt will talk about his journey applying building science to solve harmful mold issues early in his career to launching Build Show LIVE. He will speak about how he created a YouTube channel to promote his Risinger Homes custom home business but soon realized these videos kept gaining popularity. Builder and homeowners loved the authentic, educational videos and wanted more. Matt creates these videos based on asking himself: "What would a 30-year old Matt want to know?." The success of these videos led to launching thebuildshow.com - a platform to share his knowledge and passion. Matt has assembled a growing community of like-minded industry Experts devoted to building better homes and his mantra KNOW BETTER. BUILD BETTER. He will focus on why building science is so important to improving the quality, performance, durability, and sustainability of residential construction. He talks about the lessons he has learned along this amazing journey. Matt's story is inspirational and his enthusiasm is contagious. Join Matt's mission to change and uplift the industry!
No electronic handout provided for this session.
Special Event